
Building Self-Reliance Into International Development in Jordan

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Attendees of the 2018 Jordan MESP MEL Conference Holding Signs

In July of 2018, our USAID/Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project (MESP) organized the third annual MEL conference, focused on the theme of Self-Reliance and Sustainability

This year’s conference brought together people from beyond the USAID community for the first time. Over 250 attendees represented 75 government institutions; USAID activities and projects; local and international organizations; the private sector; and Jordan’s evaluation society, EvalJordan.

This event continues to be significant because it is helping to build a cadre of M&E specialists, who are critical to effective decision making across a range of sectors.

Discussions focused on the frameworks and metrics needed to measure reliance and sustainability, and highlighted successes, challenges, and opportunities to achieving it.

Partners also led nine capacity-building sessions covering topics including scaling up development interventions, and an introduction to self-reliance metrics.

The scaling up discussion was led by MSI’s founder and worldwide scaling up expert, Larry Cooley. Watch or download this video of the workshop.


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