
Camila Garzon-Ruiz


Camila is a business development manager at MSI with over 7 years of targeted experience in fundraising, program design, and business development processes largely in conflict and post-conflict settings. She brings experience working on humanitarian and development issues, including rights-based approaches to protection of stateless/internally displaced persons/refugees and religious and ethnic minorities; access to justice for survivors of torture and trafficking; strategies to identify, prevent, and combat trafficking in persons; and data collection and geospatial visualization for crisis responses or urban development initiatives. In particular, when providing technical leadership in business development process, Camila most enjoys working on demand-driven program designs, strategic partnerships, and developing participatory learning sessions for microgrant recipients and non-traditional local actors. Camila holds an MA in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action from SciencesPo University.


Paving the Road to Tolerance in Indonesia

Exploring Localization in Conflict Contexts

Celebrating Women’s Participation in Local Peacebuilding in DRC

Celebrating Local Activists for #16 Days

Key Experts Share Knowledge on USAID WASH Projects and COVID-19


Ellen Yount

Alaa Al Zubaidi

Diana Alexanderson Alvarez

Christopher Bathon

Gwendolyn Bevis

Phyllis Dininio

Dan Killian

Jessica Ngo

Allison Poyac-Clarkin

Jennifer Ulman

Noah Wilderman

Kara Frazier Perlman

Adam Bloom

Ranelle Sykes

Susan Ward

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