
MSI Leading Critical Thinking on Scaling Up for Development

Our approach to scaling up could help to achieve greater development outcomes across the globe, in areas like education, health care and dealing with fragile states.

Larry Cooley, MSI President Emeritus, and Jonathan Papoulidis, from World Vision, recently combined forces to co-author an article on the importance of applying a scaling up approach to confront vulnerabilities in fragile states. The piece, featured in the flagship journal for the Society for International Development, Development, builds on our widely used framework for scaling development outcomes.

“Meeting the need for widespread, tangible and sustainable progress in fragile states is the standard by which our generation of development actors should be judged,” Cooley writes.

They cite a number of examples to support the view that scaling-up approaches provide a valuable foundation for changing the piecemeal, one-off, and often non-strategic character of aid programs in fragile states.

We also recently convened representatives from 55 organizations – official donors, foundations, think tanks and NGOs – for the third annual convening of the Global Community of Practice on Scaling Up Development Outcomes. For more on scaling up, click here.

MSI President Emeritus Larry Cooley stands on stage in front of presentation reading, "Scaling Up Framework."

Sign reads "Scaling Up," pointing to a conference room of people.


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