
MSI Presents at AEA’s 32nd Annual Conference

AEA Evaluation 2018 Conference Banner Photo

Each year, the American Evaluation Association invites a diverse group of scholars, students, and evaluators to its annual conference to share and learn from the international practice of evaluation. 2018 marks the 32nd annual meeting and will host a variety of presentations focused around the theme of Speaking Truth to Power. For more about AEA’s Evaluation 2018, visit the event homepage.

MSI has a long history of providing comprehensive and innovative monitoring and evaluation services for governments, organizations, and individual clients. With expertise in providing performance monitoring services across various regions and supporting clients, including USAID, in making programming decisions, our team is heading to Cleveland, OH to share a host of insights and strategies and facilitate discussions on emerging practices in the field. Learn more about our services.

AEA Event agenda featuring MSI technical experts Thomaz Alvares, Molly Hageboeck, Dan Killian and Jacob Patterson-Stein


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