Proximity and cultural affinity have long made Latin America and the Caribbean critical to U.S. trade and security. We have spent over 30 years fostering cross-border relationships from Mexico to Brazil.
The region represents a diversity of contexts, from emerging middle market economies like Colombia to formerly successful nations like Venezuela now struggling with uncertainty.
We have worked in nearly every country in the region to reduce crime and violence, strengthen civil society, improve economic conditions and empower marginalized communities to have a greater say in their communities, particularly those affected by conflict.
For nearly a decade in Mexico, we have worked hand in hand with the national government and regional partners to bring about significant reforms to the criminal justice system. These reforms bring a presumption of innocence, pre-trial services, public oral trials and increased transparency.
In Colombia, we support an emerging peace process while strengthening the ability of Colombian regional governments to deal with a refugee crisis on the Venezuelan border.
Our regional data collection capabilities and analysis help USAID missions develop innovative programs using collaboration, learning and adaptation methodologies.