
Youth Compass: A Strategic Guide to Strengthen Youth Activities

MSI is proud to present YouthPower Action’s Youth Compass, a first of its kind tool that increases implementers’ abilities to achieve intended results of a youth activity, bring those results to scale and sustain them.

The compass, a timeless instrument for navigation and orientation, both represents and operationalizes the Youth Compass’ strategic process.

The Youth Compass has been pilot-tested in two USAID youth activities, one in Jordan and one in Indonesia. The outcomes and resulting feedback from these pilots were used to refine and strengthen the guide.

It can be used by implementers to strengthen the design or on-going efforts of a youth-focused or youth-included activity. More than an analytical tool, it is a three-step, seven-task strategic process to analyze a youth activity’s weaknesses and opportunities, identify and prioritize strengthening actions and incorporate them into the activity.

Informed by the key development approaches of positive youth development, cross-sectoral coordination and gender equality, the Youth Compass’ conceptual framework consists of four areas: beneficiaries, enabling environment, youth participation and empowerment, and gender equality. These serve as standards that a youth activity is both measured against and strives to attain.


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