
Analytics And Training

For development programs to be effective, they must be grounded in nuanced and practical understandings of the political-economic contexts within which government and civic institutions operate.

Our applied analytics expertise derives from our ability to not only convey these complex understandings, but to do so in ways that help our clients answer the critical next question, the “so what”.

Assessments and Research: We have developed and applied assessment frameworks to produce hundreds of assessments, and conducted numerous qualitative and quantitative research studies.  These assessments cover diverse topics, including democracy and governance, political economy, gender equality, elections, civil society, youth, media, violent extremism, conflict and crime. Our research uses structured data collection and analytic tools to develop designs that maximize objectivity and data quality in complex high-risk settings and arrive at actionable findings.

Cross-Sectoral Integration: We recognizing that integrating principles of participation, inclusion, transparency, and accountability across sectors enables the growth of effective institutions and that development efforts in a sector naturally affect other sectors. Therefore, we make strategic and operational links between sectors more fluid, leveraging time and resource investments, and amplifying positive development results.

Training: We incorporate cutting-edge adult-learning methodologies and appropriate technologies, helping individuals and organizations better serve the public by becoming more productive, accountable, results-oriented and creative. Importantly, our capacity development work fuses naturally with our in-depth technical expertise, allowing us to provide clients with highly-detailed contextual information.


Gwendolyn Bevis

Barbara Pando-Behnke

Leah Sly

Jennifer Ulman



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