Helping USAID/Mozambique Make Informed Decisions
We support a range of activities to contribute to improved access and use of data
Our wide-ranging support empowers the Mission to make better evidence-based decisions. Within the first three years of the program, our team has performed studies, evaluations and assessments for all technical offices, which contributed to Mission decision-making and influenced future programming.
In an average week, our staff supports the Mission, manages several ongoing evaluations and studies, and conducts training for Mission staff and other implementing partners. Most recently, we conducted an evaluation in agriculture, a Transform Nutrition evaluation, and a family planning and health evaluation, as well as a desk review of policy reform and a youth assessment study. We additionally provide trainings to USAID and implementing partners on theory of change, helping to streamline processes and reach outcomes more efficiently.
We have also improved the Mission’s ability to obtain useful monitoring data when it is needed. We have installed a mission-wide performance monitoring system to fill a critical gap and used MEL activity plan improvement interventions to bolster the Mission’s MEL capacity.
We are also providing innovative approaches to solving complex evaluation problems. MMEMS leadership in Government-to-Government (G2G) initiatives has taken center stage, with many provinces now engaging with the Mission proactively.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to provide flexible and adaptable remote support to USAID interventions and trainings. The project has also identified new ways to help the Mission better manage its programs during this time.