
Providing Performance Management Support in Pakistan

We worked hand in hand with USAID/Pakistan to improve performance
The Pakistan Performance Management Support Contract, PERFORM, was USAID’s largest monitoring, evaluation and learning project. It covered a massive $4 billion portfolio, which included work in areas of frequent instability such as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

We provided USAID/Pakistan a full range of performance management services that included monitoring support, evaluations, assessments, and learning support that provided high-quality analysis and evidence-based data and information that the Mission used to target resources, inform program design and implementation decisions, and support the Mission’s collaboration, learning, and adapting (CLA) processes.

We completed 139 assignments including 28 monitoring support activities, 22 evaluations, 25 assessments, and 59 learning support activities for a total of 1,323 deliverables. Among those were four studies that explored the drivers of extremism in USAID/Pakistan key focus areas, a rapid assessment of Pakistan’s workforce value chain, and implementation of the 2017 Early Grade Reading Assessment – Midline, which assessed the reading levels of approximately 50,400 students at the start of grades 3 and 5 in 1,680 schools across Pakistan to support Mission investments in children’s literacy.

A unique aspect of our support to USAID was the on-demand provision of a full range of GIS services and products including static and interactive maps, GIS portals, information dashboards, databases, and online and learning tools’ applications. Ultimately, these helped to improve information sharing, including best practices and contributed to the Mission’s learning agenda. We also built the most extensive GIS repository in the development sector in Pakistan using state-of-the-art GIS tools.

USAID/Pakistan’s multi-tiered monitoring strategy was supported by our data quality assessments and third-party monitoring, which included activity-level site visits, collecting beneficiary and stakeholder feedback, context monitoring, and data validation activities. Our GIS team also developed an interactive monitoring dashboard to track monitoring activities.

What made the PERFORM project truly unique, however, was the ease with which our team and USAID/Pakistan shared information using USAID’s existing information management platform. We developed a suite of specialized, online interactive tools to facilitate the smooth exchange of information.

As a result of our work, the Mission was better able to implement its Strategic Framework and Performance Management Plan, and 2018-2023 Country Development Cooperation Strategy.




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