
Conflict Mitigation

Our approach to addressing conflict and fragility is grounded in a deep understanding and appreciation for country context and conflict dynamics.

Driven by rigorous analysis and an understanding of best practices, we work in partnership with communities and governments to mitigate conflict. Our operational capability and global partnerships with policymakers, scholars, and practitioners allow us to successfully operate in some of the most volatile and insecure regions of the world. Our focus is on building more resiliency through support to effective, inclusive reconciliation efforts grounded in local dynamics to promote lasting peace.

We provide a full-spectrum capability to prevent and transform conflict and build peace. Our support services seek to address the root causes of conflict using a participatory approach that respects all voices and identities in a given community or region. We take a conflict-sensitive approach to all aspects of programming to avoid unintended consequences and maximize opportunities to increase trust and understanding in communities torn by violence, trauma and fear. Illustrative services include:

  • Ongoing conflict analysis and complexity aware monitoring in program design and implementation;
  • Inclusive planning and decision making to increase legitimacy with stakeholders and beneficiaries;
  • Supporting appropriate media channels and “people-to-people” dialogues, including innovative radio programming and social media engagement, that engage the most vulnerable populations;
  • Leveraging grants to provide small-scale infrastructure and livelihood opportunities to reinforce cross-line interdependence within divided communities;
  • Capacity building in conflict analysis and conflict sensitivity to foster inclusive and more effective conflict mitigation and management efforts; and
  • Consistent monitoring for unintended consequences through the integration of explicit conflict sensitivity indicators, community feedback loops, and trauma-informed data collection methodologies.


Rodeina A. Fattah

Diana Alexanderson Alvarez

Christopher Bathon

Allison Poyac-Clarkin

Jennifer Ulman

Nate Griggs

Alicia Greenidge

Christy Martins

Kalinda Magloire



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