
Christopher Bathon

Chris Bathon is a technical manager in MSI’s Peace and Stability service area. He provides technical and operational assistance for stabilization and transition programs, with a focus on small grants program implementation. He has six years of experience designing and implementing CVE, community resilience, stabilization, youth development and ICT for development programming. He has supported field program implementation in Lebanon, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Ghana and Colombia. He currently provides support to the USAID/Office of Transition Initiatives Colombia program and USAID/Bangladesh’s Obirodh: Road to Tolerance Program. He holds an M.A. in international development studies from The George Washington University and speaks French.


Paving the Road to Tolerance in Indonesia

Shaping the Future of Somali Communities Through Journalism

Exploring Localization in Conflict Contexts

Celebrating Women’s Participation in Local Peacebuilding in DRC

Celebrating Local Activists for #16 Days

A Portrait of Bernadit Istefan, a Feminist Activist in Iraq/Nineveh Plain

Mitigating the Impacts of Venezuelan Mass Migration in Colombia

MSI Supports COVID-19 Response in the Middle East & North Africa

Forces of Conflict and Prospects for Peace

Now More Than Ever: Helping Women Facing Gender-Based Violence in Iraq


Rodeina A. Fattah

Andrew Griminger

Diana Alexanderson Alvarez

Gwendolyn Bevis

Phyllis Dininio

Dan Killian

Jessica Ngo

Allison Poyac-Clarkin

Jennifer Ulman

Naeem Rasooly

Nate Griggs

Alicia Greenidge

Christy Martins

Lindsay McMahon

Kalinda Magloire

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