Providing Critical M&E Support in Africa
Our team conducted 25 evaluations and assessments for the Mission across the portfolio, and assisted with the effort to develop a comprehensive M&E system, including the development of the Mission-wide performance monitoring plan and project-level MEL plans. These efforts necessitated close collaboration with technical teams and built Mission capacity.
Our staff also provided support for critical CLA efforts. During the development of the CDCS, we organized and facilitated collaboration with a series of Kenyan advisory groups.
The project was unique among MEL platforms because it also provided strategic communications services. Our team designed and implemented a strategic communications strategy and updated and refreshed four social media platforms. We also wrote, edited and helped to publish many Mission documents, including Annual Reports, e-newsletters, brochures and fact sheets. We also provided media monitoring services and analysis.
We continue to provide comprehensive strategic communications support through the Kenya/East Africa DOC Support project.
Our work on the Kenya Support Project demonstrated that linking M&E systems and processes is essential. Creating a connection at the strategic, program and activity level provides the best feedback loop for iterative learning across the activity cycle.