Peacebuilding and Governance
We provide services in the following areas:
Countering Violent Extremism (CVE): We analyze the drivers of violent extremism, and design and implement development programs to address specific contextual and socio-political dynamics in a country. Careful attention to context and program monitoring allows us to adapt programming as the environment changes and learning occurs.
Resilience: We build household, community, and national resilience in partnership with local governments and civil society. We seek to build on community and family assets to support change.
Stabilization: We help governments and societies manage socio-political transitions and prevent conflicts. Our approach emphasizes close collaboration with critical local partners to build capacity, services, and legitimacy.
Conflict Mitigation: We help communities and governments manage tensions and mitigate the causes and consequences of violent conflict, instability, and extremism through cutting-edge research, capacity building, and tailored programs guided by adaptive management and conflict sensitivity principles.
Conflict Sensitivity: We provide technical assistance, and adapt program design, policies, protocols, and standard operating procedures, as well as train our staff and partners in conflict sensitivity across the globe. We design and adapt training to specific contexts while integrating Do No Harm principles across the development and humanitarian assistance spectrum.
Positive Youth Development in Conflict-Affected Environments: We partner with youth worldwide to help them achieve their aspirations, building on their assets and helping to identify opportunities for them to contribute to their communities. We work with youth-serving organizations, policymakers and community leaders to provide enabling environments and strengthen local systems so that youth can grow and thrive in some of the most challenging places around the globe.
Inclusive Peacebuilding: We use locally-led approaches to sustain peace, built upon the participation of all stakeholders, including women, youth and minorities.