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Event Planning and Management

From large VIP events to smaller strategic sessions, we possess years of experience in planning and event management. From knowledge sharing forums to global training events and civil society outreach activities, we possess decades of experience organizing and implementing events. Our clients continuously rate our contributions as exemplary given our attention to detail, organizational expertise […]

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Digital Content and Video Production

With our staff of multi-media experts, we bring creativity and deep experience to each project. Our communications team has experience integrating creative storytelling techniques into projects, including video production, interactive multimedia design and participatory activities. We possess over 25 years of expertise in pre-production, production and post-production video techniques. Our participatory activities are designed to

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Social and Website Production

From short narratives on social media to longer, project-oriented stories, we develop compelling content to reach audiences. With many audiences online and internet penetration rates ranging from 50 to 90 percent, digital content creation and distribution is a key component of our communications planning and overall engagement. The Basics: No matter what the medium, the

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Crisis Communications Planning

We work with governments and donors to build realistic, results-focused strategies that align with resources. Attracting and sustaining target audiences’ attention has never been harder. It takes an extraordinary combination of strategic and creative skill to successfully raise awareness and understanding, influence public opinion, catalyze behavior change and mitigate reputational risks. We are at the

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Scaling Up

We support countries in achieving sustained improvements in education access and learning outcomes through increased government capacity. Our team delivers services to strengthen education systems and scale up interventions. These activities lead to better transparency, accountability, decision-making, and investments. We promote self-reliance for countries in providing quality education for all children. We have implemented education systems

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We support the effective and efficient management of education programs through performance monitoring. Through the development and implementation of government, donor, and project performance monitoring plans (PMPs), we ensure that fidelity of implementation is accurately measured in terms of inputs, outputs and outcomes of activities. We facilitate third-party monitoring (TPM) for governments and donor agencies, as

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We design and implement quality and cost-effective education evaluations so that decisions on programming and policies are based on strong and timely evidence. We have implemented education impact and performance evaluations for governments, donors, and implementing partners in diverse and challenging environments, including Cambodia, Honduras, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Pakistan, Senegal, South Sudan,

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Student Assessments

We design and implement a full range of student assessments, including Early Grade Reading and Math Assessments (EGRAs and EGMAs) and curriculum-based language, math, and science assessments. We administer at scale in multi-lingual, diverse, and complex environments. In Pakistan, we led the largest donor-funded EGRA to date, with over 500 enumerators administering individual assessments to more

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Government Accountability

Globally, corruption poses a threat to development and democracy. We support governments, civil society, media, and the private sector to combat corruption across a range of sectors. We reduce opportunities for government officials to act with impunity, increase transparency, strengthen accountability, and seek to align societal and individual norms and behaviors towards greater integrity. We

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Rule of Law

Recognizing that two-thirds of the world’s population lacks meaningful access to justice, we take an evidence-based approach to justice sector reform that emphasizes user-friendly service delivery and the removal of constraints that hamper individuals reaching their full human potential. Our priority is to build a justice ecosystem that ensures all persons, institutions and entities are

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We work with governments and societies to manage socio-political transitions through fast, flexible assistance that takes advantages of windows of opportunity to build democracy and peace. Our experience includes working with countries emerging from authoritarian rule to implement transparent, accountable, and participatory governance systems. We focus on community-level stabilization and establishing national and local authorities

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Conflict Mitigation

Our approach to addressing conflict and fragility is grounded in a deep understanding and appreciation for country context and conflict dynamics. Driven by rigorous analysis and an understanding of best practices, we work in partnership with communities and governments to mitigate conflict. Our operational capability and global partnerships with policymakers, scholars, and practitioners allow us

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